The Project

Supporting UnitingCare Australia to advocate for the improvement of accessibility, quality and safety of aged care services.

  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the impact of providing equitable access to aged care services.
  • Substantiated evidence to support the growing unmet demand in Australia.
  • Comprehensive analysis of international aged care industries.
  • Analysis of the financial and resourcing impact of staff ratios.

Our Approach

A two-stages review

This project was separated into two modules. As part of Module One, a core objective was to support UnitingCare Australia to assess the level of supply and geographic distribution of aged care services (residential aged care and home care). This data was overlaid with an analysis of demand levels for aged care services and accommodation to identify key geographical areas that may have been experiencing a supply shortage of aged care services and accommodation.

Module Two involved an analysis of the staffing, expenditure and funding systems of aged care sectors in other OECD countries. We explored some of the key advantages and challenges of different aged care systems in other countries and compared these with Australia. In addition, we documented alternative models of care that have risen in popularity across the world and the ability for Australian providers to operate under these models within the Australian legislative and regulatory context.

The Result

Research contributing to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

Leveraging the key findings from our research and funding estimates, UnitingCare Australia made a submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. They highlighted the need for more equitable access to aged care services and accommodation, with a particular focus on the current HCP supply shortages. Access a copy of our Module One report as well as UnitingCare Australia’s submission in the case study below.